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Explore our Annual Report

Information for investors

Share price performance

The share price decreased by approximately 40% during this year going from CHF 97.80 to CHF 58.85.

On December 31, 2020, u‑blox had 6'085 shareholders. Information on our major shareholders can be found in the Corporate Governance section of the Financial Report.


Based on the challenges faced and the Company’s financial results in 2020, the Board of Directors will not propose any form of dividend payment at the Annual General Meeting this year. Share information (on December 31, 2020) Stock Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange Swiss Security Number / ISIN 3336167 / CH0033361673 Ticker UBXN Nominal value CHF 14.80 Shares issued 7’114’839 Reuters UBXN S Bloomberg UBXN SW.


Share information (on December 31, 2020)


Stock Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange
Swiss Security Number / ISIN 3336167 / CH0033361673
Ticker UBXN
Nominal value CHF 14.80
Shares issued 7’114’839
Reuters UBXN S
Bloomberg UBXN SW


Publications and calendar

u‑blox pursues an open and ongoing information policy with the general public and the capital markets. The company also meets investors regularly throughout the year, presents its financial results at analyst meetings and road shows, hosts an analyst day, and keeps its shareholders regularly informed about its business through press releases.

The annual report is published in March and presented at the press conference. It is also available online at: www.u‑ relations section. html. The half year report is published in August.

April 15, 2021: Closing of share register for the Annual General Meeting

April 22, 2021: Annual General Meeting

August 20, 2021: Publication of half year results 2021


Share price (in CHF) 2018 2019 2020
Highest 218.60 100.30 97.05
Lowest 72.05 62.40 45.12
Closing on December 31, 78.95 97.80 58.85
Market capitalization on December 31, (Mio CHF) 561 696 419


Key Figures 2018 2019 2020
Registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 14.80 (resp. CHF 15.40, CHF 0,90) 7’099’857 7'114'839 7'114'893
Nominal share capital (in TCHF) 6’390 109'569 105'300
Basic earnings per share (in CHF) 5.58 1.89 -9.32


u‑blox share price (CHF per share)

graph share price development u‑blox


Corporate address
u‑blox Holding AG
Zürcherstrasse 68
8800 Thalwil, Switzerland
Phone  +41 44 722 74 44
Fax       +41 44 722 74 47

u‑blox investor relations contacts:

Switzerland and Europe:
Doris Rudischhauser, c/o Dynamics Group AG
Phone: +41 79 410 81 88

Jeehae Linford, c/o The Equity Group Inc.
Phone: +1 (404) 840-3122

Website www.u‑