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Explore our Annual Report


Some of the world’s most innovative people

Our customers

Industry leaders

We are fortunate to partner with some of the world’s most innovative people and companies as longterm customers with whom we leverage the potential of IoT together.

The size and diversity of our global customer base is something we are very proud of; our 100 largest customers are based in 22 countries across 14 industries. We also continued to expand our distribution and sales partner network in 2020 and have added trusted channel partners helping us reach even more innovators around the world.

From European alpine valleys to African estuaries, rivers, dams, groundwater corridors and wetlands, u‑blox technology is there. Inside autonomous and micromobiity vehicles spanning the globe, u‑blox technology is guiding the way. Within factories u‑blox is boosting resilience, and increasing productivity. In homes around the world, u‑blox technology is extending the reach of healthcare. And on our roads, across our oceans, in the air and by rail, u‑blox technology is accompanying precious cargo to its final destination.

In the following links we share a glimpse of what some of these clever innovators are rolling out across our planet.


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